Political Theory and Impact Roundtable

This roundtable explores the relation between political theory and its impact. The first aim is to consider the distinct challenges that the 'impact agenda' in higher education poses for political theorists and how these might be addressed. A second aim is to examine the impact of political theory in a wider sense: What is the value of political theory -- and what would be lost without it? Should political theory be relevant and, if so, how? The roundtable will take a Question Time-like format and expected to consider a diversity of different approaches drawn from academia and public policy to these issues for a wide-ranging discussion about current and future challenges facing political theory. The Political Studies Association-funded event is free and open to the public, but attendance must be registered in advance for security purposes.


Lord Parekh FBA (chair)

Prof Thom Brooks (Law, Durham)

Dr Clare Chambers (Philosophy, Cambridge)

Prof Elizabeth Frazer (Politics, Oxford)

Dr Emily McTernan (Political Science, UCL)

Dr Martin O'Neill (Politics, York)

Prof Michael Otsuka (Philosophy, LSE)

Prof Albert Weale (Political Science, UCL)


Attendance is free of charge: To book your place click here