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PSA Departmental Leadership Conference
This key PSA event is an opportunity for senior managers and leaders in Politics Departments to convene and discuss issues which impact upon the discipline as well as across the social sciences.
The latest programme is available here and issues for discussion include: research funding; early career researchers’ experiences of parental leave support and the composition of women in the UK profession; and the 'state of the discipline'. Professor Kimberly Hutchings, Vice Chair of the Politics and international Studies REF sub-panel will also discuss next steps and future planning.
Departmental heads are encouraged to nominate a colleague if they cannot participate and up to two departmental representatives from each institution can attend.
The DLC is for PSA members only, you can click here if you would like to join - as well as being able to attend this conference free of charge, academic members can register at discounted rates for the PSA Annual International Conference, are eligible for travel grants and prizes, have access to our 59 subject-specific specialist groups, and can subscribe to our academic journals, Political Insight, PSA News and our e-newsletter.
For further details please contact Misty Hammond.
Date and Time:
Thursday 12th September
Arrivals: 09:30am
Conference: 10:00am - 16:30pm