Help Shape the Political Studies Association’s New 2025+ Strategy

There has never been a more important time to invest in Political Studies and in those who teach, study and research it. The PSA’s Trustees want to devise a new strategy to ensure the PSA is clear on its direction and role, and is sustainably resourced, from 2025 to best serve our community in the future.


Help Shape the Future PSA Website: Participate in Our Survey

As part of the ongoing PSA 25+ Strategy work, we are working to enhance the tools and resources that support you as a valued member of the Political Studies Association (PSA). A key component of this initiative is the improvement of our CRM and website systems to better meet your needs and ensure a seamless member experience.

We invite you to participate in a short survey which will help us understand how you currently engage with our systems, identify your needs for the future, and explore ways to improve accessibility, impact, and collaboration. Your feedback is vital to shaping the future of PSA, and your responses will directly inform the design and development of our new CRM and website, ensuring they reflect the diverse needs of our membership.

A huge thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the questionnaire or talk with trustees at the PSA24 conference about:

  • What you value about the PSA
  • Where the association can be more effective in serving its members
  • How we can best meet the financial and other challenges and opportunities - while amplifying the benefits of Political Studies for all


WATCH THIS SPACE for the draft PSA 2025+ Strategy document which will be shared for comment later this year!


In the meantime if you wish to share any further views on the PSA or have any questions please email us:


What do we want to achieve as an association?

As a charity and learned society, we want to play our role in ensuring that Political Studies is valued, well-resourced, practiced by a diversity of students, teachers, and scholars, and informs positive change in the world.

We are striving for the PSA to be the home of Political Studies; a community where everyone feels welcome and supported to give of their best towards this goal.


How do we currently do this?

  • We value and prioritise equality, diversity, and inclusion in our association and across the discipline.
  • We support a lively community of scholars and practitioners: Tens of thousands of you are actively involved in our specialist groups and social media channels, through hundreds of online and in-person events and our annual conference.
  • We prioritise supporting PhD students and those early in their careers especially through our vibrant Early Career Network.
  • We support excellence and impact in research and teaching through our role as a publisher of four journals and Political Insight magazine, by throwing a spotlight on great research to inform public discourse, by supporting post 16 education, awarding grants and prizes and through our lively Teaching and Learning Network.
  • We advocate and represent those who study, teach, and research Politics and related disciplines. This includes engaging on your behalf when departments or colleagues are at risk, responding to consultation and development processes, and conducting discipline-wide studies.


Click here to read more about the challenges and opportunities we need to navigate in our new Strategy