This year's PSA's Annual General Meeting was held at the PSA's 73rd Annual International Conference (3-5 April), where we had the pleasure of awarding our highly coveted Academic Prizes.

We are thrilled to celebrate the incredible accomplishments of our members through this esteemed event, and would like to extend a huge thank you to all who participated, whether it was by entering, nominating or judging the prizes.

In recognition of our winners' outstanding contributions, we are excited to feature their achievements on our website and social media channels. Join us in congratulating them on their well-deserved success!

The PSA is proud to highlight the exceptional work of our members and showcase the excellence of our discipline. Please take a moment to peruse the complete list of our 2022-23 winners and judges below and join us in applauding their remarkable achievements.


Dissertation Prizes

Teaching Prizes

Professional Contribution & Research Prizes

Group Prizes

W.J.M. MacKenzie Book Prize

The PSA would like to extend our gratitude to the judges which were involved in helping us make the Academic Prizes possible!

Thank you to all of you who have helped us make #PSAPrizes possible.