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Research Institute in Mexico seeks links with PSA members

The Institute of Government Sciences and Strategic Development (ICGDE) of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, was created in 2011 with the purpose of carrying out high level research in the fields of government, politics, strategic development, public opinion and political marketing. Apart from its teaching and research functions, the Institute undertakes linkage activities with public, private and social organizations in Mexico.
Puebla is the fourth largest city in Mexico, and the capital of the state, but within easy reach of Mexico City (about 1 and 1/2 hours by road). It was founded in 1531 and is today a World Heritage Site comprising architectural and artistic treasures of the Renaissance and Mexican Baroque, and is also a major industrial and commercial center.
ICGDE comprises four research centers:
- Government Sciences and Politics Studies
- Political Communication Studies
- Strategic Development Studies
- Public Opinion Research
And it offers these degree programmes:
- Ph.D. in Government Sciences and Politics
- Masters in Public Opinion and Political Marketing
- ICGDE is particularly interested in international academic cooperation:
- Currently there is no specific job offer or proposal to apply for, nevertheless, if you found interesting and suitable contacts for your individual or institutional work or private collection, we will gladly agree to an exchange of publications.
- If your research is related or complementary to ours, we will gladly receive proposals in order to carry out high level conferences, seminars and research collaboration, and joint publication. ICGDE can help with hotel fees, one week approximately.
- The Mexican government regularly awards scholarships to students and academics in order to engage in graduate study and to carry out research activities in Mexico; full details are at:
Feel free to contact us!
Ignacio Daniel Torres Rodríguez
PSA is willing to consider applications to help fund joint research and scholarly activities.