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'Teaching Politics and IR Online: Design Matters' Webinar Series
The PSA's Teaching and Learning Network are pleased to announce their second series of webinars on 'Teaching Politics and IR Online', this time in conjunction with our colleagues at the British International Studies Association (BISA)
The webinars will be delivered by expert academics including Simon Lightfoot (Leeds), Cathy Elliott (UCL) and Will Brown (OU), and will take place during July and August. Each session lasts one hour, from 3-4pm, in Zoom. You can sign up for all of them or just the ones that interest you.
Most universities have had to move their teaching offer online due to the current coronavirus pandemic. This has led to challenges such as getting to grips with technology, understanding online pedagogy, and creating an academic community at a distance, as well as opportunities such as the chance to do things differently, build on best practice, and reach students asynchronously.
Now that the immediate crisis-response phase has passed, it is a good time to reflect on best practice for teaching online. It is possible that many of us will do more online teaching in the future, either in response to the pandemic or because teaching and learning models and student needs have changed.
This webinar series focuses on module design and production, looking ahead to autumn teaching, and builds on the previous seminars organised by each organisation. If you missed previous events you can watch them at your leisure on our website. You can also find the BISA's previous teaching webinars on their Youtube Channel.
In our 'Design Matters' Series, the following sessions are open for registration
- 'Online Teaching and the ‘Disadvantage Gap’ by Frands Pedersen (University of Westminster) AVAILABLE TO WATCH ONLINE SOON
The following webinars are available to view
- 'Beyond Alternative: Assessment as the Forgotten Piece in Online Learning' by Simon Lightfoot (University of Leeds) and Simon Rofe (SOAS)
- 'Pastoral Care Online' by Cathy Elliott (UCL) and Emily Robinson (University of Sussex)
- 'Module Design for Online and Blended Learning' by Will Brown (Open University)
- 'Considering Information Literacy in a Changed Learning Environment' by Stephen Thornton (Cardiff University)
- 'What did you want to know about Online Teaching but were Afraid to ask?' by Donna Smith (Open University), John Craig (Leeds Beckett University) and Ross Bellaby (University of Sheffield)
- 'What makes a good online lecture?' by Maxine David (Leiden University)
- 'Doing it Digitally: How Online Delivery can Improve Statistics Teaching' by Helen Williams (University of Nottingham)
- 'Running an Online Seminar/Tutorial in Politics and IR' by Andy O'Cain and Dave Lewis (Open University)
Click here to find out more about the PSA's Teaching and Learning Network. If you'd like to support the PSA's work please consider becoming a member of our organisation today! Or make sure you renew your subscription when the time comes.