The Atlantic Council of the United Kingdom (ACUK) is delighted to announce its upcoming one day workshop at the Sage Gateshead, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK on September 24, 2014.
For more information and to apply please see the event flyer below:
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The Atlantic Council of the United Kingdom (ACUK) is delighted to announce its upcoming one day workshop at the Sage Gateshead, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, UK on September 24, 2014.
For more information and to apply please see the event flyer below:
A Europe in Crisis, A Europe in Flux
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
November 6-7, 2014
The Northern Ireland Affairs Committee will hold its next public evidence session on its inquiry into The administrative scheme for “on-the-runs” on Wednesday 3 September 2014....
The Global Securities International Conference will bring together sophisticated theoretically-informed analysis with empirically-engaged research to address the overall theme of “Emerging security challenges in a nexus between networks and remoteness”. This interdisciplinary conference invites...
At the time of writing this piece, the Association is waiting on a reply from the new Education Secretary and new Universities Minister to concerns raised regarding the...
Broadcast Journalism Postgraduate, James Galley, reports back from a Digital Democracy Commission event for under 25 year olds held in Portcullis House on International Youth Day, Tuesday 12 August.
On 17 July the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee agreed to hold an inquiry looking at how parliamentary constituency boundaries are to be redrawn after the next general election.
The Committee welcomes written evidence on any or all of the following questions:
Wednesday 10 & Thursday 11 September 2014
Convenor: Dr Clive Gabay, Queen Mary, University of London
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will expire in 2015, with mixed results. This conference takes a social and political perspective on why...
The PSA is sponsoring a panel at the American Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, USA 28-31 August 2014.