
The British Idealism Specialist Group was established in response to the exponential proliferation of interest in the philosophy of the British Idealists and the New Liberals as well as the contributions they made to a wide range of debates in politics, philosophy and history. It covers the traditions from T.H. Green, F.H. Bradley, Bernard Bosanquet, Arnold Toynbee and David Ritchie, up to R.G. Collingwood and Michael Oakeshott, as well as contemporary scholars working within the British idealist and New Liberal traditions. The group is convened by Professor Colin Tyler (Hull). Previous members of the executive committee include Professor David Boucher, Professor Thom Brooks, Prof. James Connelly, Dr Maria Dimova-Cookson, Dr Stamatoula Panagakou and Professor Andrew Vincent.

The Group organizes panels at every Political Studies annual conference, and stages seminars and conferences throughout the year on different aspects of British Idealism and its wider relations in close cooperation with colleagues from Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, South Africa, Taiwan and the USA. The Group has close links with the Centre for Idealism and the New Liberalism at Hull University, and the British Idealism and Collingwood Centre at Cardiff University (see the "External Links" bar on the right of this page). The latter is the home of the journal Collingwood and British Idealism Studies, incorporating Bradley Studies, which is the principal publication that supports the activities of the Specialist Group.

The Group created and runs a Facebook page, which welcomes anyone with an interest in the field. Please search Facebook for "British Idealism" to join that site (which is administered by James Connelly and Colin Tyler).


Contact Us

Colin Tyler

Role: Co-convenor and Treasurer
Institution: University of Hull

Join this Group
