
Welcome to the PSA Conservatism Studies Group (CSG). 

We study conservatism.

The group aims to encourage the creation and dissemination of high quality research in the study of conservatism, conservatives and centre-right politics, e.g. conservative politics, parties, leaders, ideologies, media and organisations.

We are a specialist group at the Political Studies Association (PSA), an international scholarly society in the United Kingdom.

The group aims to create a sense of identity and common purpose among those interested in a part of the political spectrum that has attracted far less scholarly interest than its obvious electoral and philosophical importance merits.

The group aims to take a supportive approach in order to encourage engagement with conservatism studies across the many levels of academic development. We aim to promote pluralism, balance, diversity and equality.


If you would like to join the group and be added to our mailing list, please contact the convenors.

Photo by Andrew Parsons/ i-Images

Contact Us

Dr David Jeffery

University of Liverpool

Dr Sam Blaxland


Dr Marija Taflaga

Australian National University

Dr Christopher Fear

Events and Communications
University of Hull

Group Email (general enquiries)



Join this Group


Constitution updated 14 June 2018
The PSA Conservatism Studies Group invites submissions for our 2020 Research Prize. The prize recognises innovative and leading research into C/conservatives and conservatism in the UK and beyond. The winner will receive a certificate and a £50 cash prize. We welcome submissions from researchers and academics at any career stage, including: Monographs Peer-reviewed journal articles Conference presentations/papers Podcasts, TV and radio appearances Please send submissions to with ‘2020 Research Prize’ in the subject line and the following details in the body of the email: Name of nominee (can be yourself) Affiliation (if any) of nominee Nominee email address Name of person nominating (if different to above) Title of output Output publisher/platform Nominations must be received by Friday 10th September with a copy of the nominated research output attached. For conference papers, we require either a recording of the talk or a script accompanied by presentation slides.