21 October 2022

For the Sports Media Identity Network’s second event, we are looking for papers which interrogate the role that the sports media, in particular sports journalism, plays in the framing of para-athletes and dis/ability in sport.

The central aim of the network is to provide a platform for the knowledge exchange between scholars (from a range of disciplines) who are united by a focus on sports media, and industry stakeholders and practitioners. Specifically, the network has four objectives:

  1. Establish an inter-disciplinary network of researchers specializing in different approaches to the study of identity (re)presentation in British sports media, namely gender, race, sexuality and dis/ability;
  2. exchange ideas and elaborate a practice-informed, future-focused research agenda that takes into account the needs and concerns of sports media practitioners and policy makers;
  3. Enable sports media practitioners, policy makers and educators to better understand and reflect on the efficacy of both current professional sports media practice and potential alternatives
  4. Shape the agenda of early career researchers working in the field of sports media and support their professional development by facilitating networking opportunities.

    The network encourages transdisciplinary approaches between researchers from fields such as, but not limited to: sports sociology, journalism studies, and communication studies. In addition to research presentations, events will include workshop activities designed to facilitate dialogue between members of the academy and sports media practitioners.

    This work will identify best practice and lead to a final report with recommendations for sports media practitioners, researchers and stakeholders, and a special edition collection.

Submissions: We welcome 15-minute papers, multi-media or documentary presentations on topics including, but not limited to:


  • Pathways to inter-disciplinary collaboration
  • Sharing research outcomes with media practitioners
  • Overcoming bias in sports journalism and related media industries
  • Sports journalism representation of para-athletes
  • Inclusive and exclusive framing of para-athletes

Submissions are due by Friday, 18th November 2022and should:


  1. Be sent in the form of a Microsoft Word document (.doc, .docx)
  2. Not exceed 300 words
  3. Include the title of the paper
  4. Include the author’s full name, title, position and institution
  5. Include a brief professional biography (not exceeding 50 words)

Submissions should be sent to: SportMediaIdentity@gmail.com with the subject header:“ Abstract: Sports Media Identity Network Event 2"

It is intended that the network’s events will lead to a special edition collection for Palgrave MacMillan.

The event is FREE, but places are limited. To register and for more information, please visit our website here.

A small number of travel and accommodation bursaries are available for Early Career. Details on request.

Venue: Loughborough University London Campus, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, The Broadcast Centre Here East, Lesney Ave, London E20 3BS. Click here for venue information.

Convenor: Dr Emma Pullen, Senior lecturer, Loughborough University