6 April 2022

The Second International Conference of the PSA Sport and Politics Group, 16-17 June 2022 - University of Aveiro

The Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences (DCSPT), University of Aveiro, is delighted to announce the new dates of the Second International Conference of the PSA Sport & Politics Group - “Sport, Power and Politics: Challenges in a changing global structure”. We are looking forward to welcoming you all to Aveiro and our university on June 16 and 17, 2022.

DCSPT has recently been investing in the study and research of sport. In June 2018, with the support of the Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies (GOVCOPP) we held the international conference “Sport in a Mobile World: Identity, Culture and Politics”, and since 2019 the department has been nurturing the Sports, Power and Public Policy (SP3) research group, which hosted two international seminars in 2019. Due to the pandemic, we were unable to hold the events scheduled for 2020 and 2021, including the now rescheduled Second International Conference of the PSA Sport & Politics Group.

Whilst this is still a developing area of investigation and research in our department, the organization of this international conference, in cooperation with an association as prestigious as the Political Studies Association's Sport and Politics Specialist Group, has enormous significant for us. We are honoured by the trust placed in us. We are extremely excited about this and look forward to welcoming you all to the University of Aveiro on June 16 and 17 2022.

We invite empirical, theoretical, and methodological papers from postgraduate students, early-career researchers, established academics and practitioners that address and interrogate, from a critical and global perspective, cultural, social, political, and experiential frameworks of sport. Contributions from the disciplines of public policy, sociology, politics, economics, anthropology, cultural studies, history, communication, law, and psychology are welcome.

Possible themes include but are not limited to:

  • The Politics of Global Sport
  • Sport and Identity
  • Sport, Nationalism and Transnationalism
  • Sport Mega Events
  • Sports Policy and Governance
  • Inequality and/in Sport
  • Sport and Race
  • Sport and Gender
  • Sports Business and Sponsorship
  • Sports Law
  • Media and Sport
  • Contemporary Fandom and International Sports

Please send abstracts (300 words maximum) to sp3dcsptua@gmail.com by 23.59 (GMT) on April 10 2022. We accept abstracts in English and Portuguese.

Please contact Emanuel Leite Jr (emanuel.leite.junior@ua.pt) should you have any questions.

Conference fees

100€ attendance
75€ attendance for students

Keynote speakers

Dr Richard Giulianotti, Loughborough University, England
Dr Stacey Pope, Durham University, England
Dr. Flávio de Campos, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil
Dr Pippo Russo, University of Florence, Italy

The venue

The conference will take place in the Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences (https://www.ua.pt/dcspt/#) of the University of Aveiro (https://www.ua.pt/).

Link to Conference Homepage: https://www.ua.pt/en/govcopp/page/26538

Contact Info: 

Emanuel Leite Jr., Researcher at the Centre for Asian Studies of the Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences (DCSPT-UA). Member of the research unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policy (GOVCOPP). PhD candidate in Public Policy from the University of Aveiro. 

Contact Email: 


