
The Local Politics and Governance specialist group fosters interdisciplinary and critical research into the conduct of local government, governance, politics and participation.

The objectives of our group are:

1. To promote and disseminate research, teaching and knowledge about local politics and participation.
2. Facilitate exchanges between researchers interested in different conceptions of ‘locality.’
3. Build international research networks with colleagues in North America, Europe and elsewhere.
4. Hold events such as bi-annual conferences and themed workshops (held in alternating years) while also facilitating panels at PSA and other specialist group and international conferences.
5. Explore and explain factors that are specific to the conduct of local politics.
6. Provide a setting in which the linkages between local and national politics can be explored.

We warmly welcome new members.  If you have any query about membership or the activities of the group, please contact the group convenors Dr Peter Eckersley or Dr Joanie Willett.


Follow us on Twitter! @PSALocalPol

Contact Us

Local Politics and Governance Specialist Group


Peter Eckersley

Role: Co-Convenor
Institution: Nottingham Trent University


Joanie Willett

Role: Co-Convenor
Institution: University of Exeter


Tom Arnold

Role: Early Career Representative
Institution: University of Liverpool


Join this Group

Group News

23 September 2022
23 September 2022
22 June 2022
22 June 2022


Newsletter Dec 2023
The future of Levelling Up: Does it have one? online seminar Friday 21 October 1-3pm. The seminar will be online-only, between 1-3pm.