
Mid-Career Researcher Mentoring Programme by PSA Women & Politics Specialist Group


The PSA Women & Politics specialist group is hosting a Mid-Career Researcher (MCR) Mentoring Programme tailored specifically to the needs of women in academia following a research track. This is a PSA-supported initiative that responds to a critical need to address the career development of scholars beyond their first promotion, offering tailored support to navigate the challenges unique to mid-career professionals.

The programme has two core sessions (2pm to 6 pm on Day 1 and 9am to 2pm on Day 2).

Programme Dates: Thursday 23rd January and Friday 24th January 2025

Location: PSA Central Offices, Elizabeth Meehan Suite Regent House, Unit 2 Pratt Mews London NW1 0AD


Day 1: Thurs 23rd January 2025

1:30pm-2pm: Arrival and Registration

2pm-4pm: Good Research experience and research planning (with Professor Sarah Childs)

4-4:30pm: Coffee

4:30-5:30: Promotion and Ambition in Academia (with Professor Rosie Campbell)

6:30pm: Dinner


Day 2: Fri 24th January 2025

9am-11:30am: Mentoring Workshop with professional coach Sarah Blumenau

11:30am – 12:45pm: Coffee and Sandwiches

12:45pm- 2:30pm: Narrative of Research Excellence (with Professor Sarah Childs)


Why MCR Mentoring Matters:

Mid-career scholars often encounter specific challenges such as navigating publication and grant strategies, balancing multiple responsibilities (including caring responsibilities), and transitioning from leave to full work. These challenges can lead to frustration, burnout, and loss of motivation. Additionally, the barriers faced by underrepresented groups intersect with the challenges of mid-career scholars, requiring targeted support.

What the Programme Offers:

This programme aims to provide MCRs with structured sessions specifically tailored to their needs. Facilitated by external expert Professor Sarah Childs (University of Edinburgh) and with sessions delivered by Sarah Blumenau (Independent Consultant), Prof Rosie Campbell (Director of the Gender Institute, at KCL), the sessions will focus on strategic career progression, skills enhancement, and recognising competitive advantages. Sessions are designed to be a mix of conversation and independent work with time dedicated to write in a unique environment.

Who Should Apply:

We invite all women MCRs members of the PSA to apply for this mentoring scheme. If you are past your first promotion but not yet a professor, and hold a research contract, this programme is designed to support your career development.

Please note that participants should be committed to participating for the whole duration of the event and will be asked to prepare some material beforehand.

How to Apply:

To apply, please send one page stating: why you are considered MCR and why you would like to take part in the programme. You also need to submit a statement indicating that you commit to be there from start to finish of the session. This is important because space is limited.

Send your application to Dr Jessica Smith at and Dr Sofia Collignon at by Monday 02 December 2024.

Ten Participants will be selected to attend both general and specialised sessions. A bursary of £140 towards travel and accommodation costs will be provided for each participant.

 Full details available here


The Women and Politics Specialist Group provides a focus for PSA members - both women and men - whose research is concerned with women or gender; and is also a resource for women in the PSA. The group has a commitment to encourage the presence and visibility of women in the PSA and the discipline, while combating sexism.

Find out more about our work here:


Contact Us

Jessica Smith

Role: Co-Convenor
Institution: University of Southampton


Leah McCabe

Role: Co-Convenor
Institution: University of Edinburgh

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