Arvind Kumar, AFHEA 

PhD in Politics

Royal Holloway, University of London


I am PSA ECN member, and recently achieved my PhD from the esteemed Department of Politics, IRs, and Philosophy at Royal Holloway, University of London. Concurrently, I hold a position as a part-time lecturer within the Department of Law and Criminology at RHUL. My responsibilities extend to overseeing the departmental website as ‘website champion’. Additionally, I proudly serve as a Trustee, specifically in the capacity of Event & Outreach Coordinator, for the British Association for South Asian Studies (BASAS). My appointment would not only bring pertinent experience to the role but also align with PSA’s goal of fostering closer collaboration between professional associations to champion principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion. As a first-generation university entrant from a South Asian background, I believe my selection would significantly contribute to advancing these ideals.