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New book: Questions of Accountability
This book explores accountability from a range of perspectives, crossing traditional disciplinary, thematic, and professional boundaries. It asks fresh questions about accountability and its place and importance in democratic societies, and considers the issues raised by the shifting architecture of accountability.

Questions of Accountability Prerogatives, Power and Politics
Edited by Matthew Flinders and Chris Monaghan
This book explores accountability from a range of perspectives, crossing traditional disciplinary, thematic, and professional boundaries. It asks fresh questions about accountability and its place and importance in democratic societies, and considers the issues raised by the shifting architecture of accountability.
Bringing together world-leading scholars and former politicians and public servants, the book provides the reader with the answers to the most debated issues surrounding accountability, including rarely discussed ‘pathologies of accountability’, post-human governance, and a focus on proportionality.
Matthew Flinders is Professor of Politics at the University of Sheffield, UK.
Chris Monaghan is Principal Lecturer in Law at the University of Worcester, UK.
Sep 2023 | 9781509964222 | 344pp | Hbk | RRP: £90
Discount Price: £72
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