
This page provides an introduction to the PSA's specialist groups and is a landing area for resources for those who organise the groups (known as 'convenors').


The PSA’s network of Specialist Groups (SGs) offers a research focus for all members and covers a vast range of specialities within the discipline. SGs provide an opportunity for groups of academics who share a common interest in a particular area to organise meetings and coordinate communication. They also provide an outlet for research as well as giving PSA members opportunities to develop academically and professionally. At the heart of our association, SGs also play a major role in contributing the papers, and forming the panels, that make up the PSA’s annual conference each year.


Convenors,or prospective convenors, can view the SG Handbook here.


The PSA aims to cover all fields of political studies and, as such, we welcome applications from our members to form new Specialist Groups. Applications to form a new Specialist Group will be considered by the PSA’s Executive Committee which meets quarterly.  


If you would like to propose a new Specialist Group, please fill out the form below. We highly recommend discussing your application with relevant PSA trustees and staff before submitting it as they will be able to offer advice and feedback on your proposal. Applications to form a new Specialist Group must be received at least three weeks before the date of the Executive Committee meeting. Please contact the PSA Team at and Alistair Clark (PSA Specialist Group Trustee) for support. 


The Specialist Group application form can be found here

Contact Us

If you would like to learn more or have any questions, do get in touch with the team via or with Indrajit Roy, the Specialist Groups Trustee via

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