‘Unfolding Our Shared Future: Challenge, Possibility and Potential in the 21st Century‘ talk series

Unfolding Our Shared Future Talk Series

University of East Anglia Public Event

26 April, 5.30pm, University of East Anglia Lecture Theatre 4

Courts in the UK and the US have increasingly found themselves under scrutiny as they are asked to examine issues with deep political significance on which the country is divided. Whether Brexit or immigration policy in the US, or abortion rights, gun control, or election policy in the US, the British and American courts have been at the forefront of some of the most controversial issues in modern politics.

In this event, two leading experts on the courts in each country are brought together to explore the challenges faced by the modern judiciary, and the perils and possibilities that await in the future.

The reception begins at 4.30pm and the event starts at 5.30.

For more information please visit the link here.