24 November 2020

The Development Politics SG invites applications for a one-off competition, the winner of which will be awarded financial support from the SG to translate their research from English to other languages to make these available to wider audiences beyond the Anglophone world.

Recent years have seen reinvigorated calls for the diversification and decolonisation of the academia. The social sciences have been no exception. Inspired by such calls to diversify and decolonise the production, curation and dissemination of knowledge, the Development Politics Specialist Group of the PSA seeks to support colleagues interested in translating their work into other languages.

To that end, the Development Politics SG invites applications for a one-off competition: the winner of which will be awarded financial support from the SG to translate their research from English to other languages to make these available to wider audiences beyond the Anglophone world.


To enter, please get in touch with a brief note (not more than 500 words) outlining what you would use the prize-money to translate. As this is the first time we have run the initiative, only one award will be made in this round.

How much: £400

Who can enter: Any level, ranging from postgraduate studies to established scholars. Applicants must be members of the PSA and it is expected that the winner will also join the Special Group (free to PSA members) if they are not already.

For details of membership: /membership-sign-up-form

By when: 5pm December 4, 2020
Decisions will be communicated to applicants by 11th December with a view to transferring the funds by 31st December.

Where: Send applications to Dr Portia Roelofs portia.roelofs@st-annes.ox.ac.uk


Application notes:


Please include: Name, affiliation, post, and short summary of your research.


Applicants should include a brief plan for how the translation will be made available to target audiences. This can include submission to journals, publication in the popular press, personal website, social media etc. Innovative ideas of how to use the translated research output as the basis for collaboration are welcomed. 


Where £400 is insufficient to cover the costs of a full journal article, applicants should indicate how they will use the funds to translate a shorter portion of their work, i.e. a summary, a public-facing blog-post, a policy report, an excerpt etc.


Applicants should indicate how the translation will facilitate engagement with diverse communities of knowledge (whether through formal institutions like universities or informal forums).


Email portia.roelofs@st-annes.ox.ac.uk for any questions